Sunday, November 4, 2012

Along The Beautiful Western Australian Coastline

Whats' more frustrating then walking three kilometres to the only toilet in the national park?

Someone else in the bloody toilet.
Look closely and you will see what has been sneaking around under our caravan.
We were in the Cape Range National Park near Exmouth where these shots were taken. An unbelievably beautiful place but crawling with creepy crawlies.
A dramatic gorge near Exmouth.
Camped at Osprey Point in the Cape Range National Park.
In Bunnings - 2 cents
In Shark Bay - $40.00

After it was removed from the tyre.
We were in a place called the Pinnacles which is a
huge area covered in unusual rock formations.

Suddenly were were swarmed by a plague of Japanese tourists.

The Pinnacles
After the two metre goanna decided to leave we were then attacked by a man eating kangaroo.

After I strangled the kangaroo I went for a swim in the national park and ended being chased by a land shark.

The worst kind of shark.
 More of the unusual lunar landscape of the Pinnacles near Cervantees.
 A fantastic maritime museum in Freemantle houses the original Australia II, the winner of the America's Cup in the mid 80's.

There is the famous winged keel.
Disclaimer: This is not the actual crew.
One of the mega huge choppers in Exmouth that transports the offshore rig workers to and from the mainland. This one is in for repair and maintenance. Each massive blade on the rotor costs a staggering $250,000.
Snorkelling at the exquisite Torquoise Bay in Cape Range National Park. This area is noted for  'drift snorkelling' as the strong current takes you along the reefs over the coral and tropical fish and if your not careful, slowly out to Indonesia.

The plane our son Christopher flew over the Ningaloo Reef region. His job was to locate the massive Whale Sharks and relay their location to the tourist boats.
A tasty witchety grub sandwich. This mongrel wouldn't lay down dead and kept eating the dressing before he was chomped down on.

Smart bastard - take that witchety grub.
 How would these go in the front yard.
A before 'roadkill' shot.
This snake is quite a dangerous adder and was photographed near the lighthouse at Albany.
 As I couldn't get Michele to grab the 'harmless' snake for a photo op. we decided on wrestling an innocent tortoise off the roadway.
 The stately and beautiful Kaurri Forests near Pemberton.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're having a ball! I'm actually really jealous

    Love Tiana
